Jersey Shore Pet Care, LLC
Jersey Shore Pet Care, LLC
Pet Sitting * Dog Walking * Massage Therapy * Reiki
I'm often asked for referrals for DOG TRAINING, PET FOOD, VETERINARY CARE, & GROOMING... Here is a list of who I recommend to my clients and use for my own pets!
Dog Training:
Jersey Shore Dogs, LLC
Dog Training & Problem Behavior Solving for NJ Dog Owners
Phone: 848-208-2641
*I recommend Jersey Shore Dogs, LLC because It is so important to use trainers who use a positive, rewards-based method of training and who do not use aversive and cruel training methods such as yelling, shock collars, etc.
Sugar Paws Dog Training
"We train with treats to keep your dog sweet!"
Pet Food:
Sierra Jack Pet Foods
All-natural dog and cat food with free home delivery!!
(previously Sierra Natural)
I own this company! Ask me about it!
Phone 732-927-3754
Email :
* I work with Jack and Sierra Jack Pet Food to provide high quality all-natural pet food for dogs and cats (including my own). You can even order through me (Sandy 732.927.3754, ) and I can also deliver the food to your home! Ask me for a sample! This is great food made in the USA with a money-back guarantee if your dog or cat doesn't like it!
Pet Waste Clean-up: